By Selorm Ameza. Meet the legendary “Agbozume kpornor” also referred to as “Ayigbe Biscuit” by other tribes. In Ewe we call biscuits “Akpornor” and the name Agbozume Kpornor is because this biscuit is a speciality for the beautiful women of Agbozume. The main ingredients are cassava starch and coconut with sugar and salt to taste.#Agbozume is one of the ancient towns and captal of the “Someh people” in the southern part of the Volta region and the home of the very potent, fearful and powerful shrine known as the #Nogokpo_shrine.This biscuit is the ultimate gift and trust me the awesome taste and feeling you get from crunching your teeth on this Akpornor surpasses the feeling in Digestive biscuits laaaa.
It is a speciality of the people of Agbozume and they know how to make you fall in love with this legendary biscuits with just a single bite.
Have a bite of this the next time you take a trip to Volta and you would sure thank me later laaa.

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